JC Joint Admissions
Junior College (Joint Admission Exercise)

What is the JAE?
The Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) is an annual exercise conducted by the Ministry of Education (MOE). It allows holders of the Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level results to apply for admission to courses offered in the Junior Colleges (JC), Centralised Institute (CI), Polytechnics (Poly) and Institute of Technical Education (ITE). The JAE usually takes place in January, after students receive their GCE ‘O’ level examinations results. JAE application is done through the Internet. Students admitted to our College under this exercise will secure a place in our JC1 cohort.
For more information on JAE, please refer to the MOE JAE Website.
Students who are Posted to NJC: 2025 JAE
Welcome to the NJC Family!
Please join us on 5 February 2025 at 7.20am at the NJC School Hall. A week-long Orientation programme has been organised for you by your seniors from 5 Feb – 11 Feb 2025. Your Orientation Group Leaders (OGLs) will be contacting you, and helping you to adjust to NJC and make new friends.
Appeals for Admission to NJC 2-year ‘A’ Level Programme in AY2025
The JAE appeal period is strictly from 4 February 2025 (Tue), 9 am to 10 February 2025 (Mon), 12 pm.
To appeal for admission to National Junior College, please fill out the online application form here. Please note that we do not accept hard-copy application forms.
If you are unable to upload your GCE ‘O’ Level results slip and other supporting documents using the online form, you should submit the softcopy documents to njc@moe.edu.sg by 10 February 2025 (Mon), 12 pm
You may be called up for auditions, trials or interviews by the respective teachers-in-charge.
For information about subject combinations and pre-requisites, you may refer to this webpage. If you have plans to read a subject that requires a qualifying test, please note that all qualifying tests will be administered on 6 February (Thurs), 3 pm to 6 pm. Applicants who put in the appeal by 5 February (Wed) 5.00 pm and are shortlisted will be notified if you are to come for the qualifying test. There will be no make-up qualifying test/re-test after 6 February (Thurs).
Successful applicants will be notified of the outcome of your appeal application by phone call, latest by 10 February 2025 (Mon), 12 pm. You will be required to bring along your GCE ‘O’ Level results slip (original hard copy) and Form A (soft copy, or printed).
Important notes:
1. All applicants are still required to report to the college that they are posted to by the Ministry of Education on the morning of 5 February 2025 (Wed) at 7.30 am, pending the outcome of their appeal application to National Junior College.
2. Please do NOT submit an appeal if you already have a place in another school under the Direct School Admission (DSA), as it will not be accepted.
3. Please be aware that school admissions are based on objective and transparent measures of academic merit, i.e. L1R5 aggregate score. Applications are considered only if the applicant meets the net aggregate score of the lowest-ranked applicant for the course that he/she is appealing for. For 2025, the cut-off net aggregate score is 7 for the Science stream and 8 for the Arts stream.
Appeals that take place after the JAE will be aligned to these principles, in order to be fair to all applicants.